Dale James

Ducks Unlimited,Inc.

Biographical Sketch:
Dale James received his Bachelor of Science degree in Wildlife and Fisheries Science from Texas A&M University. After completing his B.S., he briefly worked for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife. He completed a Master of Science degree in Range and Wildlife Management from Texas A&M University-Kingsville and the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute where his thesis research examined breeding ecology of black-bellied whistling ducks. Remaining at the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, he obtained a Ph.D. in Wildlife Science from Texas A&M University studying nutritional ecology of wintering redhead ducks along the Gulf Coast of Texas. Dale is currently the Manager of Conservation Planning for Ducks Unlimited in their Southern Regional Office located in Ridgeland, MS. He has been employed with Ducks Unlimited since 2004 and previously served as a Regional Biologist and Land Protection Coordinator overseeing the conservation easement program. Dale is responsible for the development and synthesis of information to refine regional conservation plans, programs, and policy work as well as provide supervision to the regional GIS/RS staff. In addition to these duties, he also serves as a member of the waterfowl working groups for both the Lower Mississippi Valley and Gulf Coast Joint Venture Partnerships.

P05 Object-based Forest Classification to Facilitate Landscape-Scale Conservation