Terry Sohl

US Geological Survey

Biographical Sketch:
Terry Sohl is a Research Physical Scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey at the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Since 1993, he has been involved in the mapping, analysis, and modeling of land-use and land-cover within USGS. Terry was one of the original project members that helped develop the 1992 National Land Cover Database (1992), and was also one of the original founders of the USGS Land Cover trends project. Using the experience gained from mapping and analyzing current and historical land-use change, Terry led the development of the unique land-cover modeling framework FORE-SCE (FOREcasting SCEnarios of land-use change), a modeling framework that has been used to produce scenario-based land-use and land-cover projections for the conterminous United States at high spatial and thematic resolution. Terry continues to lead land-cover modeling projects at USGS EROS, and is currently involved in developing new, integrated modeling frameworks that capture anthropogneic landscape change, natural vegetation succession, and fire and disturbance regimes, including landscape response to climate change.

047 Using Landsat imagery to detect, monitor, and project net landscape change