Matt Preston

Bureau of Land Management
Washington, DC

Biographical Sketch:
Matt Preston is the Science Advisor for BLM's National Conservation Lands and the Chair of BLM's Regional Mitigation Team. He has a bachelor's degree in environmental biology from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and has master's and doctoral degrees in evolutionary anthropology from the University of California, Davis. Matt joined the BLM as a Presidential Management Fellow. Prior to joining the BLM, Matt conducted in situ research on how to best conserve natural resources in multiple-use environments in tropical countries. Specifically, he researched the effects of anthropogenic forest disturbance on wild primates, conducted social science surveys on local populations' understanding and concern for tropical forests, and contributed to natural resource policy development at the local and national scales.

228 The Bureau of Land Management’s Landscape Approach to Management P25 BLM's National Conservation Lands: Protecting Large Landscapes