Climate-smart Conservation: Putting Adaptation Principles into Practice

Friday, October 24, 2014: 3:15 PM-4:15 PM
Polaris A (Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center)
Climate change already is having significant impacts on the nation's species and ecosystems, and these effects are projected to increase considerably over time. As a result, climate change is now a primary lens through which conservation and natural resource management must be viewed. How should we prepare for and respond to the impacts of climate change on wildlife and their habitats? What should we be doing differently in light of these climatic shift, and what actions continue to make sense? Climate-Smart Conservation: Putting Adaptation Principles into Practice offers guidance for designing and carrying out conservation in the face of a rapidly changing climate.  This session is based on a recently released guidebook and training that is the product of an expert workgroup convened by the National Wildlife Federation and includes leading federal and state natural resource agencies and conservation NGOs (www.nwf.org/climatesmartguide).  The three-day training is led by the US FWS's National Conservation Training Center.
Session Chair:
Naomi Edelson
3:15 PM
Exploring Climate-smart Conservation
Bruce Stein, National Wildlife Federation
3:35 PM
Reconsidering Conservation Goals in Light of Climate Change
Nicholas Fisichelli, National Park Service
3:55 PM
The Art of the Possible: Identifying Adaptation Options
Susan Julius, Environmental Protection Agency
See more of: Dedicated Sessions