Michael Mitchell

Ducks Unlimited, Inc.

Biographical Sketch:
Michael Mitchell received a M.S. in Range and Wildlife Management from Texas A&M University – Kingsville where he studied waterfowl foraging values of freshwater wetlands in South Texas as well as delineating coastal marsh along the Texas mid-coast using satellite imagery. He received a B.S. in Wildlife Management from Michigan Technological University. Currently Mike works as a GIS / Remote Sensing analyst for Ducks Unlimited and the Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture. Current responsibilities include GIS server and database management, web application and desktop programming, land classification based on high resolution imagery and satellite imagery, determining shoreline erosion rates, and classifying ephemeral water over wintering periods.

276 Climate envelope models for forecasting and prioritizing conservation needs for migratory waterfowl throughout North America P05 Object-based Forest Classification to Facilitate Landscape-Scale Conservation