Lena Vanden Elsen

Long Point Waterfowl
Port Rowan, ON

Biographical Sketch:
Lena Vanden Elsen is a M.Sc. candidate in the Ecology and Evolution stream at the University of Western Ontario and Long Point Waterfowl. Long Point Waterfowl is a non-profit conservation, education and research organization focused on waterfowl and wetland issues throughout the Great Lakes region. Lena also completed her B.Sc. in Ecology and Evolution at the University of Western Ontario. Lena’s research focuses on developing weather severity indices for dabbling ducks throughout the Atlantic and Mississippi Flyways of North America. The developed weather severity indices will be used to aid in autumn and winter migratory flight predictions and to model potential wintering distribution changes associated with climate change.

276 Climate envelope models for forecasting and prioritizing conservation needs for migratory waterfowl throughout North America