Principles and Experiences Using TEKs in Large Landscape Conservation
Principles and Experiences Using TEKs in Large Landscape Conservation
Friday, October 24, 2014: 10:20 AM-11:50 AM
Polaris B (Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center)
Indigenous peoples have considerable traditional ecological knowledges (TEKs) relevant to large landscape conservation. It is important to involve indigenous peoples in LCCs for several reasons: 1. Indigenous peoples have extensive knowledges and practices related to large landscape processes; 2. In the US, they often intersect with tribal trust resources protected by treaty rights; 3. Including TEKs ensures that indigenous cultural values and resources are included in planning and management; 4. Including TEKs ensures that cultural resources and values are not harmed by different alternatives. Indigenous peoples can work with scientists to co-produce knowledge that can address these landscape-scale issues. There are cultural differences in worldviews and cultural sensitivities that present challenges to the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples, and there is a need to address these challenges. These two linked sessions present a set of guidelines developed by an indigenous working group for braiding scientific and traditional ecological knowledges, and case studies from National Landscape Cooperative and other projects that address TEKs. These linked sessions include seven presentations and a panel discussion at the end with all seven presenters and a discusison with the audience.
Session Chair:
Mary Mahaffy
10:40 AM
11:00 AM
See more of: Dedicated Sessions