Integrating Community Based Conservation with Large Landscape Conservation
The Panel Session will illustrate three Urban and Regional Conservation Initiatives from across the country: The Intertwine, a regional conservation strategy for Portland/Vancouver Region (9 counties) focusing on the urban and urban interface; SEMI Wild, a consortium of nine land trusts working to protect wild places in Detroit and Southeast Michigan region (7 counties); Neighborspace of Baltimore County, a strategic conservation plan within the urban growth area of Baltimore County and Chesapeake Bay Watershed. All three initiatives are multi-jurisdictional, involving participation of many governing entities; multi-objective, addressing a range of goals; and multi-stakeholder, requiring partnerships among public and private organizations.
Each project will showcase the collaboration, community engagement process for setting conservation priorities, methods for resource assessment and delineation of conservation lands, land protection/restoration mechanisms, environmental and social issues associated with working in urban areas, and provide lessons learned for others undertaking similar projects. The panel will include the Executive Directors from partner organizations - The Intertwine Alliance, The Heart of the Lakes Center for Land Conservation Policy, and Neighborspace of Baltimore County along with RTCA project planners from the Pacific Northwest, Midwest and East Coast.