The Multi-disciplinary Components of Landscape Mitigation - Western Landscapes

Friday, October 24, 2014: 10:20 AM-11:50 AM
Meridian D/E (Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center)
Determining appropriate mitigation, especially at landscape scales, is a data-intensive exercise. Physical, biological, and socio-economic data are needed; they must be geo-referenced and retrievable. Further, these data must be utilized in a transparent process in order to be useful and accepted by stakeholders. Landscape conservation and mitigation of development require understanding not only the interactions within ecosystems, but the interactions between ecosystems, both natural and built, often across broad geographies. The papers in this session seek to illustrate the development and application of such data. While none of these papers individually tell the whole story, together they illustrate important approaches to gathering and using critical data to support informed landscape-scale mitigation and natural resource conservation decision making.
Session Chair:
Matthew Andersen
See more of: Dedicated Sessions